Modyo's Year in Review for 2021 from our CEO, Mark Bonnell

We’re finishing the year at Modyo with some things to be excited about and we’d like to share our progress with you. Below is a summary of our progress from 2021 heading into 2022.

First and foremost, we launched version 9.2 of our platform in Q4 2021.

Throughout 2021 we took advantage to work on features that our clients and partners helped prioritize. We’re doing more work than ever with the digital factories of large organizations. From banking and insurance to large universities, these digital factories and innovation teams have been working on digital transformation initiatives. To this end we believe we’re succeeding in positioning Modyo as the platform to build next-generation digital experiences connected to business systems.

Key features and initiatives from 2021:

Site Stages to Accelerate Frontend Development: We wanted to help our clients and partners get digital products out the door faster, so we went to work many months ago to create virtual development and staging environments, rethinking how we could eliminate the pain of multiple physical development environments. Our solution helps large institutions meet compliance and security requirements while dramatically accelerating the way they can develop, merge and test code.

Micro Frontend Development and Orchestration: In 2021 we put to the test our concept of micro frontend development through digital factories in Modyo. In 2022, we will continue to focus on helping our community accelerate how they build the best digital experiences cleanly and consistently. Our catalog of financial experiences has been well received and we are fortunate to be working with partners like UST/Fincuro (Canada/US/UK) and VASS (Spain) on expanding our base financial experiences.

Web and Mobile with Progressive Web Applications: In Q3 and Q4, part of our team went to work on a new set of add-ons related to mobile development. We remain big believers of Progressive Web Applications and we’ve been helping our clients and partners leverage Modyo for mobile development. From work on our base native app shell to evidencing best practices we will continue to double down on mobile frontend development connected to our client’s business systems.

User Provisioning, Auditability and Governance at Scale: From small teams of 5 to 10 people to teams greater than a 100, we’re making it easier than ever to manage critical digital channels that are the backbone of self-serve digital experiences. We worked hard in 2021 to continue to help large organizations orchestrate teams responsible for the development, deployment and management of digital experiences that can’t fail. Today it’s easier than ever to manage large digital teams responsible for critical digital experiences with Modyo.

We won another AWS Award for our work in the Cloud with large organizations.

We’ve continued to nurture our relationship with AWS. After more than 10 years together, in 2021 we were honored to win another AWS award. As our most important clients continue to migrate to the cloud with Modyo we will continue to stay at the forefront of best practices across cloud security.

Our professional services teams are hard at work on “Delivery Building Blocks” and Playbooks.

Our professional services teams have continued to work to accelerate the implementation of Modyo by clients and partners. This year we declared that we would double down on creating building blocks and playbooks with best practices. We believe the Modyo ecosystem will continue to grow at a healthy pace in 2022 with our current foundation of Modyo Experts that are working to drive excellence across the company.

We’re committed to being the best Frontend platform for financial services with partnerships with Mambu and TODO1.

In 2021 we won several key financial institutions determined to transform their digital channels. Currently we’re implementing and integrating with Mambu. Our first Mambu integration will go live during the coming weeks and we’re connecting our financial experiences with partners such as UST/Fincuro and Mambu in North America and Asia. We’ve recently structured a partnership with TODO1 and we hope to announce more details in the coming days. TODO1 is a leading provider of banking channels in the North of Latin America and we look forward to working closely with them. 

We’re more focused than ever on developer community love.

In 2022 it should be easier than ever to start using Modyo: to quickly understand the fundamentals, to take short courses, and to develop your know-how around building digital experiences across web and mobile connected to business systems. We’ve been working hard on the experience and knowledge required by different target people. From Frontend Developers and Software Engineers, to Digital Marketers and Content Managers, we have everyone in our minds and hearts as we build new features and improve the platform. We’ve been there, and we understand what it takes to deliver and evolve digital channels over time. To this end expect a lot from us in these initial quarters of 2022. We’re setting the bar higher than ever to build Modyo love and trust with our growing ecosystem.

Lastly, we’re coming to a city near you with our International Expansion.

During the pandemic we took the time to re-evaluate our day-to-day work structure and found a silver lining. Today, we provide a flexible, friendly, and productive work environment for our people. We've added great tools and methods to our mix, and more importantly, we've continued to hire talented people globally. In this coming year, a lot of the work from the past 24 months should make Modyo feel closer to you. Whether you’re in Canada, Spain or the United States, hopefully the same success we’ve had in the countries where we’ve put extra focus on the ground will make it easier for you to understand why Modyo’s secret sauce makes sense for your company regardless of where you sit in the world.

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