Modyo Blog

Ideas, tips, and best practices directly from our Modyo experts.

Modyo Blog
Digital Products
Adriana Conde Camila D'Emilia

Adriana Conde, Camila D'Emilia

How to effectively measure a digital product in 4 steps

Building and evolving a digital product is a long-term process. We outline the four steps necessary to effectively measure a digital product.

Paulina Saavedra

Paulina Saavedra

The importance of getting together in a remote world

In any company, especially a fully remote one, it’s important to cultivate a culture that keeps us connected and creates a desire to meet with coworkers in person when given the opportunity.

Digital Onboarding
Andy Bermudez

Andy Bermudez

Digital Onboarding as a Tool for Growth

Providing your potential clients with a means to seamlessly complete an onboarding process anytime anywhere, can drastically increase your reach and improve your conversion rate, while also reducing your customer acquisition cost.

UX Design
María Paula Silva

María Paula Silva

Design Patterns: Create Better Experiences and Products that Scale

Designing based on pre-existing patterns allows you to create better experiences, and using these patterns positively impacts you and your team’s agility and efficiency.

Digital Products
Carlos Solis

Carlos Solis

The New Modyo Version 9.2 is Here

Modyo focuses on building better digital products that manage omnichannel experiences, customer portals and progressive web apps.

Digital Transformation
Fernanda Valdés

Fernanda Valdés

8 Keys to an Effective Product Discovery for Agile Teams

Each process is important in the lifecycle of a product, and it starts with the product discovery. Set yourself up for success with these 8 tips.

Digital Products
Carlos Solis

Carlos Solis

Deployment environments make more robust and reliable digital channels

Deployment environments reduce the risk of errors by allowing organizations to create different instances to implement changes in their digital channels before reaching the end-user.

Micro Frontends
Kalle Bylin

Kalle Bylin

The Power of Event-Driven Microservices

Event-driven microservices allow services to communicate between each other through event messages, optimizing how services share data and speed up business processes.

Micro Frontends
Giorgio Saud

Giorgio Saud

Work Smarter, not Harder: Micro Frontend Architecture

The importance of digital product time to market is growing, and we need new ways of working to meet demand. Micro frontends offer a path forward by orienting applications toward respective business subdomains and delivering smaller, faster deployments.

Digital Experience
Kalle Bylin

Kalle Bylin

How to guide user behavior and improve their experiences

Guiding user behavior must produce lasting and tangible value to the user. The first step in changing or influencing user behavior is to understand what it is we want to change and how we can cause it to change.

Micro Frontends
Carlos Solis

Carlos Solis

Micro frontends empower your developers to build better digital products

Micro frontends are an alternative to web application design that are gaining momentum among architects and developers. They promise more efficient applications, more freedom for teams, and projects that can adapt to technological change.

Digital Transformation
Emma Parsons

Emma Parsons

10 Book Recommendations for Better Leadership & Better Digital Products

We’ve compiled some of our favorite books about digital transformation, business, and leadership.