Modyo Blog

Ideas, tips, and best practices directly from our Modyo experts.

Modyo Blog
Adriana Conde

Adriana Conde

Content Management Best Practices: Image loading and optimization for SEO and performance

For Content Managers, it is especially important to ensure that content loading or updating does not affect the loading speed of the page, i.e. its performance.

Digital Experience
Sebastián Ramos

Sebastián Ramos

Web Accessibility: Fulfilling Tim Berners-Lee's Dream of a Better Web

When Tim Berners-Lee named the World Wide Web (WWW), he imagined using it as a way to escape "database boundaries" so that information would no longer be centralized, and would be enriched through dispersion across the globe.

Research & Trends
Kalle Bylin

Kalle Bylin

Frictionless integration: The key to generating shared expertise

Every organization that has successfully created data science or artificial intelligence solutions has done so by building an internal culture of data. You should start with culture and people, and let technology be a facilitator.

Digital Products
Wesley Campbell

Wesley Campbell

Context and future of Progressive Web Applications (PWAs)

PWA development and technology helps empower and accelerate the delivery processes of omnichannel products, reducing existing user friction.

Adriana Conde

Adriana Conde

Structured Data in Google: What is it and how does it improve SEO?

Structured Data are standardized tags or markups that add extra information to the content of a website to make it easier for search engines to find, interpret, organize and display that information in the best way.

UX Design
Tabita Reyes

Tabita Reyes

Designing consistent and scalable products: Building a design system with atomic design

The positive thing about having a design system is that it allows you to scale products, be consistent, be efficient and enable collaborative work.

Adriana Conde

Adriana Conde

The importance of Keyword Research in your SEO strategy

We must be able to anticipate a user's search intention and guess what they want to find in their search results.

Kalle Bylin

Kalle Bylin

Automatic segmentation: Build experiences based on real behavior with RFM

Behavioral analysis based on the RFM model offers relevance, context and is immediately actionable.

UX Design
Benjamin Castex

Benjamin Castex

The Importance of Focusing User Attention

Great design results in products that are useful, aesthetic, and understandable. It is up to UX/UI designers to manage visual tools such as size, color, contrast or negative space, while taking accessibility into account for all users.

Micro Frontends
Jordana Simon

Jordana Simon

Customer Focused Financial Experiences through Ready-to-go Micro Frontends

Micro Frontends to accelerate your digital transformation - from discovery to our catalog of financial experiences.

Desk at a cozy house
Paulina Saavedra

Paulina Saavedra

Shifting Company Culture from the Office to Remote Work, Overnight

The challenges involved when suddenly needing to work remote.

Modern Library
Digital Transformation
Kalle Bylin

Kalle Bylin

Shared expertise: The first step towards a world-class data strategy

Shared expertise is the foundation for surprising new ideas that make our users fall in love with the products we build.