Product Update: User Realms Help You Build Distinct Experiences

Jordana Simon

Jordana Simon

As part of our ongoing updates to the Modyo platform, the upcoming 9.2 release is full of new features and improvements. One of the most exciting new features soon to be available are the new User Realms.

Those familiar with user management will understand the importance of this feature, and its value across numerous use cases. Let’s take a moment and review exactly what user realms are, and describe a few example use cases in more detail.

What are user realms?

User realms in Modyo are distinct databases of users to manage within a single Modyo account. Each realm lets you assign discrete management access based on the jobs and roles of users or teams in your company.

bees flying around a hive

Why are they important?

User realms carry with them all of the same features that you see today in Modyo when it comes to user management in the Customers section of the platform: the activity dashboard to measure engagement, direct and bulk action management, building customer segments, creating forms, messaging campaigns, and more. 

Key to this management however, and why realms are so important, is due to their distinct, separate nature. All of the settings, metrics, actions, segments, messaging… literally everything is independent between realms, not the least of which is the management of those realms themselves. 

This means that depending on your business or particular use case, you can now grant certain users partial or full access and control over each user realm separately, rather than relying on a digital model that grants user management over all your customers across the entire platform. 

Better Security

Defining separate user databases to manage in the platform allows you to also discretely assign key areas of your business with exclusive access to those databases. This decreases the number of hands that have access to user information stored for the purposes of experience management, and helps protect and ensure the fidelity of their information.

Better Alignment of Business Objectives

Depending on the type of business you’re running, whether in financial services, education, or retail, being able to separate the active management of your user databases helps to more accurately reflect your business model. When building front end experiences, there are distinct interactions that are key to the successful management of your digital channels, and every experience or interaction may not be relevant to every customer visiting your website or logging in to your application. With separate user realms, you can not only assign management over those realms to the relevant parts of your business, but you can also then build experiences based on the distinct objectives you have for each realm.

Let’s look at some use cases.

User Realm Management by Business Area

This use case may be obvious, but it's important to describe. Many organizations have distinct user types beyond the necessity to target with specific messaging or campaigns. Many times the management of users themselves, and their data regarding interactions and front end experiences, needs to be separately managed. 

Imagine an organization that offers products and services related to both insurance and wealth management, with distinct vision, leadership, and day-to-day management of their digital channels and users regarding the separate products and services that the two areas of their business offer. Or, imagine a higher education institution with the need to build and manage front end experiences distinctly for students, alumni, and faculty. 

With user realms, it becomes easy to grant full access and autonomy to user management based on the products, services, and core identities of the users themselves as they relate to your business.

a list of users

User Realm Management by Region or Market

Realms naturally add a level of scalability to how you manage users and their experiences in the front end. Similar to a use case for realms based on distinct areas of your business, this can easily extend to the management of users across entire global regions or markets in which your organization does business. 

Again, realms give you the option to assign database management of your customers based on the regions in which you operate and engage with them across your sites and applications. This can have a profound impact on the simplification of your architecture: your organization can now operate from a single platform that allows you to centralize not only all of your front end channel management from public to private sites and applications, but also the management of distinct user databases. 

This helps you gather data and enrich the digital experiences you build in any region you operate. It helps your business follow through on key activities that improve engagement and increase revenue, all while helping protect your customers by only using their data within the region relevant to their interactions with you. Because you can centralize the management of these experiences without the need for separate accounts, it allows your organization to more easily scale solutions across your digital channels.

a man letting people of different sizes though multiple doors in different sizes


User Realms in Modyo allow platform managers to create and configure discrete databases in the platform in order to better reflect their business models and facilitate building better digital experiences. The ability to create separate realms helps improve security, and align your digital channels with your business objectives. Realms help address the needs of large organizations that scale and invest in their digital channels across distinct aspects of their businesses, across regions or markets, and even enable new business models that would otherwise require complex management across multiple platforms.

In the coming months we’re excited to continue sharing and announcing additional platform features as we continue to improve and iterate on key aspects of Modyo. We’re constantly learning from our clients and partners and applying those lessons in order to help them build better digital products that deliver better experiences to millions of people.

If you’re working on a product or project that could benefit from a feature like user realms, reach out and talk to us . Let’s build something that adds value to your customers.

Photo by Rowan Heuvel on Unsplash

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